• frames_2021.

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    Rámy vychádzajú z jednej formy, ktorú som urobil pre testovanie fotografie na betóne. Hľadal som alternatívu k bežným podkladom ako je papier alebo plátno na ktoré by sa dala aplikovať fotoemulzia. Neskôr ma zaujali odtlačky plastových nádob, nakoľko to bolo v čase pandémie a hrozilo premnoženie týchto nádob v gastronomických službách.

    20x30cm 2,3kg betón, epoxidová živica

    The frames are based on one mold I made for testing photography on concrete. I was looking for an alternative to common substrates such as paper or canvas on which photoemulsion could be applied. Later, I was interested in the prints of plastic containers, as it was during the pandemic and there was a threat of overproduction of these containers in gastronomic services.

    20x30cm 2,3kg concrete, resin