S touto sériou som išiel na prijímacie pohovory na VŠVU. Boli to koláže, robené manuálnym zväčšovaní v tmavej komore, vystrihované, lepené a prefotografované na stredný formát. Sú to elementy mojich priateľov, ktoré som dával dokopy aby som si ujasnil náš vzájomný vzťah.
6 ks 30×40 cm čiernobiela fotografia, biely tuš
With this series, I went to the admission interviews at Academy of fine arts and design in Bratislava. They were collages, made by manual enlargement in a darkroom, cut out, glued and rephotographed with medium format camera. They are elements of my friends that I put together to clarify our mutual relationship.
6 pcs. 30×40 cm black and white photo, white ink