Technická fotografia Slnka prináša fascinujúci pohľad do veľkého oka, ktoré dáva a berie všetko živé na tejto zemi. Mne zobral v dramatickom slede blízke osoby a tak sa pýtam oka či nemá odpoveď, na smútok čo necítim a na radosť z ktorej sa neteším. Každodenný obraz onoho Slnka, tej žiarivej hviezdy bude raz kódom kde možno dešifrujem odpovede. Dovtedy však musia poslúžiť iba ako pamätné zvitky nad rodinným krbom.
5 ks digital print 65x80cm
Technical photography of the Sun provides a fascinating insight into a large eye that gives and takes all life on the Earth. Marko took a photo of his close relatives in the dramatic sequence and thus asks the eye whether it does have an answer to sadness it doesn’t feel and the joy, which it does not enjoy. Daily picture of the Sun, the shining star, will be once a code which can be decrypted and we will receive answers. Until then, however, they have to serve only as commemorating scrolls at the family fireplace.
5 pcs digital print 65x80cm